This volume, number three in the Series "Mediaevalia Christiana ", is divided into three sections; a) Christianity in Northern Europe; b) Christianity in the East; c) Christianity in Southeastern Europe. Christianity, apparently, is the main topic here. The "northern" section includes the articles by Henrik Janson, Vladimir Petrukhin, and Antoaneta Granberg, the latter two written in a comparative perspective thus "embracing" the North and the South. The second, "eastern" section sums up the efforts of Alexander Fedotoff, Dimitar Dimitrov, and Vlada Stankovic. And the third, "southeastern European" section gave room to Vesselina Vachkova, Florin Curta, Emmanuel Moutafov, Boris A. Todorov, Tsvetelin Stepanov, and Georgi Kazakov. So in this volume, the reader will find articles written in different manners, by different scholars of different "training" and "craft".