Mrs. Albina G. Khairullina-Valieva was awarded an academic degree - Ph.D. at the G. Ibragimov Institute of Language, Literature and History under the Tatarstan Academy of Science.
In 2009, Dr. Valieva developed a post-doctoral research under the auspices of the Faculdade de Cièncias Humanas e Sociais at the University of Algarve, Portugal in the framework of an Erasmus - ECW grant. The developed research work is lauded highly and is now published by The National Library of Sofia, Bulgaria under the title Linguistics and culture of the ancient migrants to Europe in a broad historical context.
Born in Tatarstan, the continuer of ancient Idei (Volga) Bulgaria, Dr. Valieva has highlighted one of the most fascinating aspects of ancient Eurasian history encompassing population movements and building of trade networks. In this respect the author presents also the role the horse has played for the steppe peoples to disseminate traditions throughout ancient Eurasia, giving a new meaning to the notion 'nomad cultural catalyze of change'.
The scope of this monograph will open new horizon increasing the amplitude of information and knowledge not only to the specialists but to the general public as well.