Svetlana Yanakieva
Thracian Toponymy until the End of the First Millennium BC
Rumyana Georgieva
The Environment and Palaeogeographic Changes in Ancient Thrace (First Millennium ВС)
Kalin Stoev
The Roman Conquest and the Beginning of Roman Rule
in the Thracian Lands. II. Livius, Periochae 134-142 and the Campaign of Lentulus against the Dacians
Valeria Fol
The Treasure from the Golyama Brestnitsa Village and the Relation: Sacred Object - Rite - Faith
Lyuba Radulova
IGBULG III, 2, 1581 - una fonte per le pratiche amministrative nella provincia di Tracia in eta Severiana
Kamen D. Dimitrov
Ihe Silver Currency at Novae (Moesia Inferior) AD 193-253
Albena Mircheva
Biliana Mihaylova. An Essay on Indo-European Phonetics. Publishing House Kom Foundation, Sofia 2014