Reserve Colonel Professor Dimitar lliev Nedialkov D.Sc. was born in 1959 in Blagoevgrad. He graduated from the Bulgarian Air Force Academy in 1982 as Pilot Officer and from the Rakovski National Defence Academy in 1992. Since 1994 Nedyalkov has doubled academic and teaching activities at the Academy with flying. He attained First Class Pilot rating in 1987 and obtained over 2000 flying hours by the end of his career, having flown L-29s, MiG-15s, MiG-17s, MiG-21s, Su-22s, MiG-29s and F-15s and F-16s.
Col. Nedialkov defended his first doctorate in 1999 and attained the academic rank of Associate Professor in 2003. In 2010 he defended his Doctorate of Sciences degree, being elected Full Professor at the Air Force and Air Defence Department of the National Defence Academy in 2021, holding consecutively the positions of Head of Department and Deputy Scientific Activity Dean at the Command and Staff Faculty.
Dimitar Nedialkov has participated in 11 international military exercises and attended seven qualification courses in the NATO system, including a strategic course at the George C Marshall European Center for Security Studies in Germany.
Col. Nedialkov's creative biography includes 238 publications, including 29 monographs and textbooks, most of them translated into several languages. Among them are Air Power, North Patrol, The History of Bulgarian Air Power, The White Eagles, and The Small War for Cyprus.
The book The Bulgarian Army and the Rescue of the Bulgaria's Jews (1941 -1944) is an attempt at a comprehensive analysis of a set of dramatic events during the Second World War whose ultimate and only result was the rescue of tens of thousands of Bulgarian citizens and 'Aliens' of Jewish origin. The uniqueness of this highly humane act is complemented by a fact confirmed by archival documents: the main instrument of their rescue was the valiant Bulgarian Army and its auxiliary labour formations.