Boris D. Borissov
Stratigraphy and Chronology of Early Medieval Residential
Complexes from the Castra Rubra Fortress at the Village of Izvorovo, near Harmanli
Eli Filipova
Food and Identity: Specificities of the Diet in Ancient Thrace
Miroslav Izdimirski
Atropos the Cutting One: Scissors in Thrace in the Mediterranean Context
Lyubava Konova
Rituals Performed in Pits According to Hittite Texts from Asia Minor
Dimcho Momchilov
Old-Bulgarian Metalloplastics from Aquae Calidae
Zozan Tarhan
Origin, Diffusion and Significance of the Scene of the Lion-Bull Combat
Varbin Varbanov
Scythian Find from the Pit Complex in Rousse
History and Sources
Dilyana Boteva
$...They have straw with them while they sacrifice..."
Stoyanka Dimitrova
Historiographic Observations on the Northern Thracian BaoiXevq Mocnaov
Tosho Spiridonov
Again on the Strategies Corpilica and Caenica in Ancient Thrace
Svetlana Yanakieva
The Sanctuary of Bendis in Thrace and the Manuscripts of Liviu
Diana Gergova, Ivan Raykov, Hristina Stoyanova, Angel Pavlov, Veska Kamenova, Aglika Ikonomova
Restoration and Socialisation of the Thracian Tomb in the Shushmanets Tumulus
Pavlina Devlova
An Archaic Dwelling from Apollonia Pontica (Brief notes)