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Time Shelter | Времеубежище - англоезично издание
Автор: Георги Господинов | Gheorghi (Gueorgui) Gospodinov
Раздел: Българска съвременна проза, Българска художествена литература на чужди езици Издателство:
Народност: българска Преводач: Анджела Родел ISBN: 9781474623070
първо издание, 2023 год. меки корици,
304 стр.
22,00 лв
Прикачен файл:
In Time Shelter, an enigmatic flâneur named Gaustine opens a „clinic for the past' that offers a promising treatment for Alzheimer's sufferers: each floor reproduces a decade in minute detail, transporting patients back in time.
But as the rooms become more convincing, an increasing number of healthy people seek out the clinic as a „time shelter', hoping to escape from the horrors of our present - a development that results in an unexpected conundrum when the past begins to invade the present.
„Time Shelter is Bulgarian writer Georgi Gospodinov's third novel, and d=for all of its focus on the apparently bygone, it could not be more timely... It's funny and absurd, but it's also frightening, because even as Gospodinov plays with the idea as fiction, the reader begins to recognise something rather closer to home... A writer of great warmth as well as skill.”
- Guardian
„A genrebusting novel of ideas. This book about memory, how it fades and how it is restored, even reinvented, in the imaginations of addled individuals and the civic discourse of nations... His vision of tomorrow is the nightmare from which Europe knows it must awake. And accident, in combination with the book's own merits, may just have created a classic.“
– The Times
„The most exquisite kind of literature, on our perception of time and its passing, written in a masterful and totally unpredictable style. Each page comes as a surprise, so that you never know where the author is going to take you next. I've put it on a special shelf in my library that I reserve for books that demand to be revisited every now and then.“
– Olga Tokarczuk, author of Drive Your Plow Over the Bones of the Dead and winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature
„A powerful and brilliant novel.”
- Sandro Veronesi
„Expansive, soulful and mind-bending.”
- Dave Eggers
„Gospodinov cunningly draws attention to the violence that the past wreaks on the present.”
- New Yorker
„Georgi Gospodinov is one of the most interesting and innovative writers of this century and Time Shelter is a beautiful reflection on time, nostalgia and the soul.”
- Camilla Grudova |