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Бързо насън (събрани стихотворения)
Автор: Ани Илков
Раздел: Българска съвременна поезия
Издателство: Да
Цена: 30,00 лв
Повече за книгата
Silver Thrace 
Автор: Сборник
Раздел: Балканският полуостров преди Аспарух, Световна културология, етнология и фолклор, Балканска история, Археология
Издателство: БАН национален археологически институт с музей
Народност: сборник
ISBN: 9786192540272
първо издание, 2023 год.
меки корици, 216 стр.
Цена: 45,00 лв  
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Еxhibition Catalogue

The idea of a considerable Bulgarian archaeological exhibition to be presented in the Republic of North Macedonia arose more than six years ago. In 2018, during one of the work meetings that established the beginning of the „100 years of Trebenishte" project, colleagues from the Archaeological Museum of the Republic of North Macedonia shared that they had never had a visiting exhibition from Bulgaria. I was surprised. I didn't know about this omission, but for us - the people working in museums, exhibitions are one of the most natural and common ways to communicate, exchange ideas and create projects that make the cultural and historical heritage open and widely available to the public: the heritage that we are summoned to preserve, promote and pass on to future generations.
We said to ourselves that this should be corrected, we promised to work together, and after the "Trebenishte" exhibition to create more joint projects to discover the things that bring us together and unite us, to expand the horizons of our partnership. There are so many things we can and should do together.
In 2019, the exhibition dedicated to Trebenishte necropolis was presented in Skopje. At the beginning of October 2023, it was also exhibited in Sofia, where it will be at display until the beginning of April 2024.
I am very glad that today, several years later, we can say that the promise has been kept, we can celebrate the opening of a significant Bulgarian archaeological exhibition in Skopje, and also the realization of another stage of our partnership.
The Bulgarian project and exhibition "Silver Thrace" which we have the pleasure to present at the Archaeological Museum of the Republic of North Macedonia in Skopje, is another step on this common path that we started together and on which, despite the difficulties, we are determined to walk with persistence and stolidity. Now the following joint initiatives are in order: a considerable archaeological exhibition made by the Republic of North Macedonia in Sofia, joint research projects, etc. There are many ideas. It is important to continue to work with patience, perseverance, self-giving and great-hearted, despite the difficulties.
The exhibition "Silver Thrace" sends many messages. It is a handout and a gesture. Thanks to the work of many people from cultural and research institutions in the Republic of Bulgaria and the Republic of North Macedonia, it is a demonstration that we can and must work together for the things that bring us together and unite us. There are many.


Peter Delev. Ancient Thrace
Hristo Popov, Petya Penkova. Silver Comes to Thrace
Nicolay Sharankov. Written on Silver
Julia Tzvetkova. Coinage in Ancient Thrace: Tribes and Kings
Krassimir Nikov. The Triumph of Silver: Influences and Originality
Kostadin Rabadjiev Gods and Myths on the Silver Items from Thrace
Kaloyan Pramatarov. The Funeral of the Thracian Aristocrats
Meglena Parvin. Silver in the Ceremonial Armour
Nataliya Ivanova. The Glamorous Horse Trappings of the Thracian Aristocrats
Totko Stoyanov. The Silver in the Banquet Sets from Thrace
Anelia Bozkova. Silver and Potter in Ancient Thrace: The Banquet Set of the Thracian Aristocracy
Milena Tonkova. Artistic Metalworking Workshops in Thrace (5th—1st BC)
Milena Tonkova. Silver Adornments from Hellenistic Thrace
Miglena Stamberova. Silver Fibulae in Ancient Thrace
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